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ESL, ESP, and proper nexus upload help


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I am new to moding skyrim and I uploaded my first published mod to nexus yesterday. Another member asked if it was ESL but the extension is ESP. I did not know it is best to make small mods with no scripts an ESL due to mod limits. I think I figured out how to convert to ESL in creation kit for future mods but is it recommended to re-upload my mod after converting to ESL or can I have two version on here under the same upload? I am worried I will screw it up and I don't want anyone to download a broken mod or screw up their save. I already had issues uploading correctly and a member pointed it out. I think I fixed it and it works fine on my end ( i had BSA's in separate folders like textures and meshes but I was told to just put the BSA's with the plugin file in the Data folder instead of separate folders. I am nervous to change it now and screw it up again. Could someone test my mod? it is Craftable Armored Mage Robes. Two members said the robes were invisible and I am not sure if it was the bsa's in separate folders or another mod conflicting my mod. I have had no such issues on my end so I am not sure what to do.

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It looks as though you have fixed it.The 2 BSA files and ESP  all in the data folder.

You can flag the ESP file header as esl using SSEedit,then check for errors with it as well.

Test it in your game

Upload that (with the 2 BSA files)as an optional file download    Craftable Armored Mage Robes  ESPFE


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