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Flying mammoths... in 2024


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It's been a while since I played Skyrim... After installing all sorts of modern fixes like USSEP, USMP, Engine Fixes, Mesh Fixes, etc. I started a new game and while I was walking in the Whiterun tundra I noticed Mammoth still fly like in 2011. So I wanted  to ask if there's a fix mod I missed, I can't believe it's still an issue...

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Probably not. Personally haven't experienced flying mammoths. I still occasionally experience flying companies that fly off at mach 1 speeds. 😄 But that's a minor issue from the Convinient Horses mod.

Just be sure to use save frequently (normal saves, not quick saves). The game is still riddled with bugs (not counting bugs you get from mods and mod clashes). Despite the patches. 

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floating creatures (including mammoths, and even NPCs, and while riding a horse) was in evidence when I first started playing SE in 2019. it's still in evidence, although changes to SkyrimSE and support mods since have reduced its exhibition considerably.


The area at skyrim origin (roughly just above the giant's camp west of Whiterun, and extending towards Rorikstead) is prone to weird "gravitational anomalies"

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