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now, i can bearly remember computers, software and game mods...

ok, i installed FALLOUT 4 on my PC, then from the start menu where is says 'MODS', i installed 'Sim Settlements 2 (chapter 2 and 3), and the other by KINGGATH. plus about 5-6 others. the mod worked fine, right up the jake was showing me level two buildings and i reached my 'build limit'. i installed another mod for unlimited build limit... BIG MISTAKE! right after, everything i wanted to build was destroyed! clearly it was that last mod, so i deleted it. it didn't matter, everything was destroyed. so, i started from completely over. but nothing would work. my last try was to uninstall EVERTHING, including the game. i reinstalled the game, fallout 4 DLCs, and the 5-6 mods by kinggath.... i must've tried 4-5 times different ways... i cant get Sim Settlements 2 to play at all!?? some of the mods elements were in the game but NOT jake (yes the magazine was on the workbench).

odd thing (or did it make a difference) i downloaded the fallout 4 pc game and DLCs from the microsoft store, and as i said above, all the SS2 mods was from the startup menu. 

NOW, i downloaded the SS2 mods from here on the 'NexusMods', but i cant tell if the mods went into the right location on my computer so SS2 will run and Jake will appear!??

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When installed a mod from nexus or from Bethesda page they go to 2 different place.

With betehsda you dont need to use  amod manager but nexus mods you do ( I dont mind it feels like it give you more control)

I have not played SS2 and generally do not donwload from the bethesda site but prefer Nexus and mod manager and not mixing the 2 seems easier to me so I cnanot give any pertinent tips.

BUt I do know there are mods that uncork your build limit on Nexus ( and likely on Bethesda site as well) and I could imgaine that they are needed to run SS2.

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3 hours ago, 363rdChemicalCompany said:

When installed a mod from nexus or from Bethesda page they go to 2 different place.

With betehsda you dont need to use  amod manager but nexus mods you do ( I dont mind it feels like it give you more control)


No you don't.

I only use nexusmods as my mod source & I don't use mod managers.

Just (manually) download it, put it in fallout's .\Data directory & enable it with FO4's 'mods\load order'. (you can manually set the load order there too, as the menu name suggests 😉 )

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13 hours ago, RoNin1971 said:

No you don't.

I only use nexusmods as my mod source & I don't use mod managers.

Just (manually) download it, put it in fallout's .\Data directory & enable it with FO4's 'mods\load order'. (you can manually set the load order there too, as the menu name suggests 😉 )

This method seems beyond most users (including myself unless I really buckle up)

With Bethesda's site (which I have used only  a couple of times) the "mod manager" is built in, so to speak as it directly injets the files where they need to go.

With Nexus I (and most everyone else I know) runs a distinct mod manager.

For power users like yourself,  there may be a way to manually direct inject those files, and I am not surpised, doing what otherwise the Mod manager would do.

I might figure it out eventually, for some of the simpler ones, but definetly not something I would present as  a realistic option for an OP whose headline reads "first time downloading mods to PC". 😉

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2 hours ago, RoNin1971 said:

Mod managers make life easier, but the slightest knowledge about a PC's file system would be enough. 

When using a lot of mods, a manager becomes pretty much a must.

However, I only ment to say it is not mandatory.

No problem. Always eager to learn new things. 

I can do manual install for simple mods like presets and TFB blueprints but thats about it. 🙂

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