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Hey! First time asking a community about something, but I don't really know any way to fix this weird problem and I was hoping someone could help me. You see i'm pretty new to Skyrim AE mods, and after downloading a few through Nexus as well as the Creation Club, I have encountered this problem where none of the creatures seem to have AI. The people are completely fine, but things like the spiders, rabbits, and falmer are just broken. yeah you can hurt and kill them, but they're not moving or attacking. Anyone smarter and\or more experienced than me have any info on why this is happening?

Edited by UknownSpore
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Hi. It's difficult to reach a verdict on a specific error based solely on your report. There are many more reasons for this behavior than just one, and a complete listing of all possible ones will take a lot of time, and the message will turn into a short story that can be published separately as useful literature. Simply put, we need a little more information from you. At least your modlist.

Just like saying now that the problem is caused by the AI stopping is a little wrong. This could be a skeleton error.



Edited by SweetKate
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I had the exect problem some time ago. I am still not sure why it happened but My guess was that while trying to update mods with latest game update, I got some files damaged. I tried to run repair on gog galaxy but it didnt help. So I did a clean reinstall of skyrim (Uninstall the game. Delete the game folder to be sure. Install game.) Then installed all the mods. So far it works fine.

Try repair your install on steam or gog galaxy first.

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AI and skeleton movement aren't the same.

AI can be toggled on and off via console. Make sure you're up to date on console commands so you can perform routine checks, just in case a glitch or mis-entered console command disabled something.

https://skyrimcommands.com/ (main)

https://skyrimcommands.com/command/tai (toggle AI)

https://skyrimcommands.com/command/tcai (toggle NPC combat AI)

https://skyrimcommands.com/command/tdetect (toggle NPC detection AI)


If the creatures aren't moving at all, it's probably an FNIS issue

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They both offer advantages., I like the clean, concise approach of the one I noted, as well as being able to easily link to each command page for forum use, but UESP does offer a bit of additional anecdotal info in the last column that can be useful too. (seems to have been updated since the last time I used it. It had almost no info in that column before)

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