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How do I finalize and upload my first mod to Nexus?

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After many years of downloading houses it was time to try my hands on the CK. I built a player home. It's a simple bandit cave with two rooms.

I've been testing it for a few weeks with up to four followers, they sandbox quite well (but they tend to stay in one part of the cave).

Halfway through building it, Bethesda did THE UPDATE, meaning all of a sudden my CK was unusable. So I made the decision to downgrade my game to 1.6.640 and the CK too, so I could keep building; now I fear the cave will not be compatible with the newest Skyrim build, but I cannot change this right now and really don't want to either, because my game runs fine as it is and lots of people opted for the same as I did.

I think the mod is pretty good to upload. Is it as simple as zipping it up and uploading it to the Nexus, or does the "push plugin to PC" thing that exists in the CK come into play there? What does that actually mean/do?

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Can't help you with ""push plugin to PC"", but otherwise "zipping it up and uploading it to the Nexus" is the way to go.  Just make sure you have all the required files zipped in and no extras.

Before publishing, you should run xEdit in autoclean mode... make sure your assets are properly compressed... dot your Is and bar your Ts....

After publishing, I download the uploaded version and double check it works without my development version.


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