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can i have some help with a txt bat file to use on settlers with assault marine armor


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this bat file has 1 of every kind of ammo and a marine wetsuit a silver submachine gun and a full set of marine assault armor but only the ammo and the wetsuit works the rest doesnt but the codes do work cause when i do additem on myself it works but i cant get it to work please help everything in the file is below

removeallitems ;Removes old inventory items
equipitem 0001F66B 1 ;.308
unequipitem 0001F66B 
equipitem 0004CE87 1 ;.38
unequipitem 0004CE87 
equipitem 0009221C 1 ;.44
unequipitem 0009221C 
equipitem 0001F66A 1 ;.45
unequipitem 0001F66A 
equipitem 0001F279 1 ;.50
unequipitem 0001F279 
equipitem 0001F66C 1 ;5mm
unequipitem 0001F66C 
equipitem 0001F278 1 ;5.56
unequipitem 0001F278 
equipitem 0001F276 1 ;10mm
unequipitem 0001F276 
equipitem 0001F673 1 ;Shotgun Shell
unequipitem 0001F673 
equipitem 000FE269 1 ;Railway Spike
unequipitem 000FE269 
equipitem 0018ABDF 1 ;2mm EC
unequipitem 0018ABDF 
equipitem 0001DBB7 1 ;Plasma
unequipitem 0001DBB7 
equipitem 0018ABE2 1 ;Cryo
unequipitem 0018ABE2 
equipitem 000C1897 1 ;Fusion
unequipitem 000C1897 
equipitem 000CAC78 1 ;Flamer
unequipitem 000CAC78
equipitem 001025AA 1 ;Alien Blaster
unequipitem 001025AA 
equipitem 000DF279 1 ;Gamma
unequipitem 000DF279 
equipitem 000FD11C 1 ;Cannonball
unequipitem 000FD11C
equipitem 0303a556 ;Marine Wetsuit
Equipitem 01B28F7
Equipitem 03056F7D
Equipitem 03056F80
Equipitem 03056F7C
Equipitem 03056F7B
Equipitem 03056F7F
Equipitem 03056F7E

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Generic NPCs' inventory isn't handled the same way as the player's or unique NPCs'. A set of console commands are unlikely to work but that depends on a few things..

You may want to use Creation Kit instead. Look for the Actor record WokshopNPC.

Edited by LarannKiar
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  • 2 months later...

Guardian, I don't understand why you're equipping and unequipping all the different ammo types. You can just additem to them.

For instance, here's a copy of my batch file I use on NPCs fairly often. The batch file is called additems.txt, and I run it by selecting an NPC in console and then typing bat additems.


;add random weapon from GuilleWeapons.esl
additem fe07088e
;add stimpaks
additem 23736 10
;add random wig from Guille.esp
additem 2d00144c
;add FG nails from guille.esp
equipitem 2d0013b4
;add FGXXX hands from guille.esp
;equipitem 2d0015a6
;add charisma items from EasyGirlGuille.esp
additem fe06d841
additem fe06d84b
;add arm armor black
;additem 2d00150e
;additem 2d00150f
;add arm armor invisible
additem 2d00159e
additem 2d00159f
;add random nude body from Guille.esp
;additem 2d0014c2
;add random FGXXX nude body from Guille.esp
;additem 2d00159d
;add random no-heels nude body from Guille.esp
additem 2d0015ae
;add Photo Light Dark single user
additem 34000804
;add Nuka Grenade
additem e5750



The game is also smart enough to ignore the equip command if the batch file is used on a race which can't equip the item. In those cases it just adds the item. For instance, if I target the additems on a settler child (from Family Planing Enhanced Redux mod), and the child cannot wear the french nails due to race permissions, then the nails just goes into the child's inventory. When the child grows into an adult, at that time the french nails will still be in the inventory and can be equipped normally.

You'll notice I do NOT add ammo. That's because the game engine is smart enough to add the required ammo based on what weapon is added during the add weapon stage.

For instance, I created my own random linked list of weapons which I like (mostly weapons from my own personal mod plugins). If the game which is added is a ranged weapon, the game adds a few of the ammo at the same time it adds the weapon. Thus if a mini-gun is added, the NPC gets mini-gun ammo at the same time. If a .308 hunting rifle or laser rifle or any other type of ranged weapon is added, just the ammo needed for that weapon gets added at the same time.


p.s. I also don't understand why you're using the remove all items command. You could, if you wish, use the "unequipall" command to unequip everything, but that's not needed as the game engine will automatically unequip items in any slot for which you're equiping a conflicting item. Thus when you equip the marine wetsuit pieces, each conflicting clothing piece will automatically get displaced.

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  • 1 month later...

i have done this 

additem 0303A556; wetsuit
additem 03056F7D; helmet
additem 03056F80; chest
additem 03056F7C; right arm
additem 03056F7B;left arm
additem 03056F7F; right leg
additem 03056F7E; left leg
additem 00225ABE; Final Judgment
additem 00023736; stim

equipitem 0303A556; wetsuit
equipitem 03056F7D; helmet
equipitem 03056F80; chest
equipitem 03056F7C; right arm
equipitem 03056F7B;left arm
equipitem 03056F7F; right leg
equipitem 03056F7E; left leg
equipitem 00225ABE; Final Judgment


but it doesnt work right cause they wont equip the armor and their outfits change to random low grade clothing but all the items were added but they wont wear it unless i make them by trading

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This should work:

RemoveAllItems		; optional
AddItem 00023736 1	; stim
EquipObject 0303A556 1; wetsuit
EquipObject 03009E58 1	; helmet
EquipObject 03009E5B 1	; chest
EquipObject 03009E57 1	; right arm
EquipObject 03009E56 1	;left arm
EquipObject 03009E5A 1	; right leg
EquipObject 03009E59 1	; left leg
EquipObject 000E27BC 1	; Gatling Laser


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