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Darkened out items in my inventory question


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About half of the items in my current inventory are blacked out and I can't trade them with my follower ... this just started to happen, I've tried dropping items and picking them up again 

to no avail I've also tried verifying files via STEAM to no avail as well 

Would any of you more advanced players know what the problem may be and have a solution, I would appreciate it so !


Thanks in advance ~ 

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As you can see I can't trade the items blackened out to my follower ...

Another stupid question and I should have thought of this earlier but do followers have limits as to the number or weight 

of items that they can carry ? 


Anyways thanks for the help ~


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I'm not sure why, but some items aren't transferrable to NPCs. I noticed that with the aphrodisiac potions (from other mod or another). They can only be shared with a small select group of NPCs, specifically, potion sellers, Kajit (sp) merchants, and a few others who I can't think of right now

I've also noticed it when giving items as part of the lower's lab ritual of relationships. Many items one might be able to hand over via normal follower inventory *share* relations (eg. AFT's "I need to trade some items with you" dialog) are not available for gifting.

I think there are other instances too, just can't think of them right now. 

In other words, I believe it's by design.

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On 1/22/2024 at 6:39 PM, IsharaMeradin said:

Followers do have a carry weight limit.  Perhaps the greyed out items would put them over their limit.

You were correct, my follower dude could only carry so much  👍

After I found that out I fired his ass on the spot ... only after I took my stuff back  🍻

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