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Looking for a papyrus event or function that will allow me to keep track of damage received by Actors.


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I am currently, implementing a mod in Skyrim that would be reminiscent of Bloodborne's Rally System. Essentially, when you receive damage, you can get it back if you are able to hit enemies within a certain time frame. As of now, my mod can regenerate health, magicka, and stamina on hit, and I'm quite satisfied with how magicka and stamina are implemented. Health regen though is incomplete. It do percent regen per hit, but I want it to only activate when the player is damaged.

I skimmed through the available papyrus functions and found nothing that could help me so far.

TLDR: Is there a papyrus event/function that gets Damage Received?

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5 hours ago, IsharaMeradin said:

Using OnHit and noting the health loss is as close as one can get to determining the damage received.

So, storing health of the actor before then comparing it with their health after? I thought of this back then but feared it was too performance expensive to implement.

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