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Try to learn proper Load Order with xEdit


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As the the title says, I am trying to learn how to proper make and edit a load order using xEdit to understand conflicts. However , I am a little confused.  I used to LOOT ( I know its a sin to use only it ) and I haven't been having any crashing that isn't New Vegas just being New Vegas.
I tried following the guide provided by the people behind Viva New Vegas, but  it was not very beginner friendly, and im scared to make any changes in fear of breaking my mod list.  Below is my load order and a screen shot of xEdit with the -VQSC argument ran. Any help would be appreciated

Load Order : https://imgur.com/a/E7zubKE

xEdit : https://imgur.com/a/sHdQa74

Not sure how useful this info will be. Feel free to ask for more info 🙂

Thanks in Advance


Edit 1: It seems things have changed after restarting my computer, I get to the title menu but that's as far as i get, trying to load any save or create a new one crashes the game.

Edit 2: Here is the crash log - https://pastebin.com/g88R222e

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If you want to learn, do it with maybe ten active mods at once, not a hundred. THAT will make your head swim. This would be my advice for general approach .

In your load order, I think the EVE patch is waaaaaaaay back up top while the main EVE is waaaaaay back down low? Is that right? Because that mean all the fixing of that patch is disabled by the main file.

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