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Someone NEEDS to fix this bug. It's been years.


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There's a bug in Fallout 4 which makes the cigarette go into the npc's hand when they walk. It's a real b*tch to edit vanilla animations. I've tried this myself using 3ds Max. This bug has been present since the game released.

If someone could point me to a comprehensive guide on how to get the models displaying so I can edit the animation, that would be appreciated greatly. Otherwise this is a request. We need to be able to fix vanilla animations in an easier manner...it's ridiculous.


Edited by HereIndeed
Weird censoring
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If you open the console and call 'CAF' on the NPC this bug should go away (at least temporarly).

It's because the animation doesn't get shut down properly. I don't know for sure but I think it has more to do with the behavior files or the code itself that controls the animations because it seems to happen with different kinds of animations (e.g., furniture: workbench, anim flavor: cigarette, etc.) so chances are it's not the cigarette animation file that's buggy. CAF means ChangeAnimFlavor and without providing a parameter to the console it resets the AnimFlavor the NPC is performing. (NPCs don't have a default AnimFlavor so this command shouldn't break the NPC. NPCs usually have AnimArchetypes though but that's unrelated).

Edited by LarannKiar
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I don't know exactly how the smoking animation is loaded. A regular furniture animation has an exit hkx... The animObjUnequip annotation (which unloads the AnimObject) is in this separate hkx. Since smoking has an independent exit from the loop, the annotation is probably in the last frames of the hkx smoking itself. Then, as LarannKiar correctly noted, this is due to a bug in the havok engine (disabling animation before it is completed), and not with the animation itself.

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