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Is there a mod that will change (increase) the level requirements for leveled Power Armor?


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Is there ย a mod that will change (increase) the level requirements for leveled Power Armor?

and do nothing else?ย 

My use case is I would like to make a new playthrough and since I am nate it doesnt make sense for him to strat at level 1.

Even level given give the War hero background he is suppsoed to have not plausible.

So a minimum startlevel I want to do for him is 20.

BUT then I am only 3 level ups away from getting access to X-01 at what is nearly the beginning of the game ( for me)

This wont do.

I think ideal for a seasoned player runnign a NewStart nuffed character, would be if T51 opens up maybe Level 23, T60 at Lvl 33 and X-01 at lvl 50..

Any mods out there that signiifcantly increase the player level requirement to "meet" certain Power armor kits at leveled locations?

(Yes I know about leveing half speed and i have it installed, but thta is not quite what I need) ๐Ÿ™‚

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1 hour ago, RoNin1971 said:

Learn xEdit/FO4Edit. Just enough to find the settings & change them. Its relatively easy, really.

Once you succeed you will smile.

Then you think of what else you wanna change.


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Eventually thats a step I will have to take.

Is thereย  aturial you can recommend?

I'd love to have the skillset to for example build another town into the wastes.ย 

With some enemies, some loot, some settlers that need help. nothing crazy in each category just enough to enrichen.

An update to Atomic World is in the works which is sure to accomplish that and more.

What is a good trick to find outย  amod added faction faction code?

I know there is a console command of some kind to set freindly or neutral to a given facto.

For example I dont want to massacre the swamp folks in Atoms storm all the time, they just cry for help and run away shortly after they started combat and I killed the first dozen.

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No, haven't used many. Usually I search for specific info & I haven't used xEdit a lot. Been a while too.

I'll keep my eye's open for some.


One site I frequent for info is the fallout wiki.

You can find a list of console command there for example: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_4_console_commands

& Kinggath has a great collection of video's


I would recommend to start small. and work your way up in complexity. (Creating a settlement with NPC's & quests is a huge undertaking, where its better if you have at least some idea how it all works.

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It is.

Just a lot of work & things to keep in mind or problems you encounter making it hard if not impossible to do what you wanted.

Not every place is suitable for a settlement, or turning an area into one causes problems for other parts of the game, or conflicts with mods.

Downtown Boston is notorious for lag & fps drops. Especially if you start rummaging around (removing/deactivating stuff like previs, precombines, navmeshes, LOD, etc. <- stuff you need to google ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

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3 hours ago, RoNin1971 said:

It is.

Just a lot of work & things to keep in mind or problems you encounter making it hard if not impossible to do what you wanted.

Not every place is suitable for a settlement, or turning an area into one causes problems for other parts of the game, or conflicts with mods.

Downtown Boston is notorious for lag & fps drops. Especially if you start rummaging around (removing/deactivating stuff like previs, precombines, navmeshes, LOD, etc. <- stuff you need to google ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

Sounds like its a bridge too far for me.

Back when I was in school our computers still had punching cards. ๐Ÿ˜„

That was literally the first school computer we had.

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