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Adding voice files to dialogues doesn't work :/

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Hey, I have a problem with adding ai voice lines I made to a mod.
I followed one very old tutorial but still it doesn't work.
I have mp3. Generated wav. Than generated lip file in a cse. I can normally click on the file in the cs and the file will be played. Files in correct folder etc like (sound/voice/addonname.esp/Redguard/m/). It would seems that everything is alright.
But in the game it just doesn't work :/. It's muted, and it's not even long enough to read the dialogue.
But lips moves so idk what is going on(!!!!). Does the lip file get loaded but the mp3 doesn't?
If someone has a clue please let me know.

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Does your voice file play in the CS? That's your first clue. If it doesn't play, then something is wrong with the location or file name.

If it plays in the CS but not in game, then it is likely because you have the wrong audio format. Voice files have to be MP3 at 44100 KHz. You can either convert your existing voice files or regenerate them. Your tool should have a setting for this (at least xVAsynth has a setting for this).

Note that this is not the same format as for sound effects.

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I double checked and tried all options. It worked in the cs but not in the game. 
Tho I just managed to solve the problem. I was setting mp3 to 44100 khz like adviced but indeed  there was another one option that I had to take care of: setting a mode of bitrate to constant and setting  a quality of the file to 64 kbps.  Then it started working.


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