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Plugins not working


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Hi, I'm new to Skyrim modding and added a bunch of mods a few months ago, and things were working fine. Today, I tried to use Skyrim, and half of my mods just aren't working, seemingly the ones with plugins. I updated everything, including script extender and the address library, but nothing seems to work. I'm not using engine fixes, and I'm using NMM as my mod manager. All my plugins are set as enabled. I've spent the past 5 hours looking through different forum posts for solutions, and none have worked. The game runs fine without errors, the mods just aren't working. Can anyone help me?

Edited by Philihexer
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Skyrim was recently updated, and it broke a lot of mods. If a mod doesn't work, you probably have to update it to its most recent version. I had a similar problem with RaceMenu. When I tried to launch the game, Vortex displayed a message saying that a plugin was not working. Once RaceMenu was updated, it worked just fine.

You'll want to go to the mod's page on Nexus (or wherever you get your mods) and see if it's been updated for Skyrim v. 1.6.1130. If it hasn't, then it most likely won't work until it has been updated. Once the mod is updated, the plugins will work and it'll function as intended.

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