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Finding ALL sources of tbbmalloc calls.


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Been having problems w/tbbmalloc crashing in v. 1.6.640.  I thought that I had blocked it from running, and seemed successful for about a week or so.  Then, yesterday, the crash logs/analyzer started showing multiple instances of tbbmalloc crashes, along with (Faster)HDT.  Any suggestions on where it hides?  I know that Engine Fixes pt. 2 needs it, but I just want some relief from the crashes.

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Actually, I found two settings in the Engine Fixes stuff, and a third in the part 2 docs, I think.  Can't touch that part 2 stuff, game won't load.  I just can't figure out how I can go over a week w/o tbbmalloc involvement in crashes, then all of a sudden, multiple instances (10+) crash.

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