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A question on the Alternate Start Mod


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I have it loaded along with some other mods and everything seems to load and work fine EXCEPT ... when I ask Mara to start the Alternate Life the menu doesn't load  🤨 and I'm standing there like 🤡 W.T.F. 

Any of you smarter then I am cats know what may be the problem ?

I've took the mod out and reloaded it, I've moved mods around but neither of those worked so I am stumped  💥

Thanks in advance like usual ~

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Did you find the solution to your problem moonraiser? I seen this post earlier, but was troubleshooting my own issue and wondering if they were related. Mine was just an oversight. What are you dealing with?

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Just to get the obvious out of the way...    After you are done talking to Mara and chosen your alt start, you are supposed to use the bed in the room to proceed.    Only exception being the "I want out of this cell" option which spawns a few lockpicks on the table for you to pick the cell door with.

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On 2/1/2024 at 8:00 PM, Indio21 said:

Did you find the solution to your problem moonraiser? I seen this post earlier, but was troubleshooting my own issue and wondering if they were related. Mine was just an oversight. What are you dealing with?

 No worries sir and yes I did ... thanks 👍

12 hours ago, 7531Leonidas said:

Have you got the matching USSEP version for your Alternate Start?  Do you have any mods that 'add' scenarios to Alternate Start?

 Thank you sir it was an oversight on my part ... as usual  😊

10 hours ago, scorrp10 said:

Just to get the obvious out of the way...    After you are done talking to Mara and chosen your alt start, you are supposed to use the bed in the room to proceed.    Only exception being the "I want out of this cell" option which spawns a few lockpicks on the table for you to pick the cell door with.

 The menu to select a new start would never come up ... everything worked fine up until Mara would reply but I never go the selection menu ...   weird  🤔

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Do you use SSEEdit ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/164 )?  It has a routine for checking selected mods for conflicts, or even your entire LO.  Has a bit of a steep learning curve to understand their notation by color code, you should probably get it and try it, you can set it up as a tool in Vortex.  It can help you find the source of some problems, and even patch some.  You can do more as you learn.

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