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How to turn mesh in moveable havoc-enabled item in Skyrim SE?


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Hello, I have been working on a mod for a long while and I wanted to add some custom items into it.
I know how to add static items and managed it just fine but I would like to add clutter items that would be affected by havoc physics and can be moved around by player and collected.

I made a copy of one of such items in creation kit, a bowl or something, and changed it's mesh to the one I want, but the object that results does not move, it can be collected in game by the player and removed from inventory, but it will only hover in place and does not have any physics. I assume this can be done in nifscope but I don't know how, and when I tried to google it all I found were tutorials on how to do the exact opposite, turn movable objects into static.

If anyone know a tutorial about this or can explain it to me in steps I would be very grateful 🙂

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If you found a tutorial to change movable objects to static then you have found your answer, just do the opposite.

Change an Object From Static to Clutter;

Expand the bhkCollisionObject branch, highlight the bhkRigidBody line.

In the Block Details change the following values.

Layer - from SKYL_Static to SKYL_Clutter
Havok Filter Copy Layer - from SKYL_Static to SKYL_Clutter

Mass = give it any value other than 0. Like 25.0 should be a good value.

Edited by Hanaisse
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Just open any of the clutter object meshes in NifScope and examine it.   You might want to turn on physics display (bouncing ball icon) to show the collision mesh.

First, the root node must be of type BSFadeNode

There will be a BSTriShape (the mesh), but also:

BSXFlags node - not certain of purpose, I just copy-paste it.

INVMarker node - it determines zoom/rotation/position of object when you look  at it in your inventory.   Again, just copy-paste from a similar mesh.

hkCollisionObject - this is what actually defines the collision of the object.  In general, if you find a clutter item of similar size/shape, you can just use 'Copy Branch' - 'Paste Branch' to copy it over to your target mesh.



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