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Multiple children in different homes?


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We can adopt 6 kids (with the mod), though I would like to adopt more. Anyway, with multiple homes and even multiple spouses, why do all the kids have to live in the same house? Why can we not spread the kids out? What if I don't want to tweak my houses or install new ones that work, and I want 3 kids to live at Lakeview Manor, then another 3 in Solitude, or Whiterun. Or, two at each of those places.


Edited by DarkChaoticMind
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I've been wanting to do this since forever but still haven't figured out how, but it's always a thing in the back of my mind, because I have all those houses with kids beds and no kids to put in there, and all those extra orphans running around in the cold. Sigh.

The closest to this would be using some follower manager to force-recruit the kids as followers and then set their residence on the various homes, I guess (EFF and Nether I think can do that).

Maybe someday I'll know how to do it, but I still hope someone that knows scripting better will try and do it. Meanwhile we wait lol

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If a home's steward could be assigned to be the childcare guy while you're out bashing on dragons and what-have-you, it should be doable. That said, outright dumping the kid(s) on the steward without checking in and being loving and all that should have... consequences. Not good ones, either.

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