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Attribute some vanilla voice to expand NPC talking


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Hi there,

I am just working right now on a tiny project mod to expand  Ruby Nash's spicy casserole dialogue. The goal is to allow the player to use bark scorpion glands also, as radscorpion glands, to create the tasty meal. I managed to expand the recipe given by Ruby Nash, and also on text, and it is working rightly, through dialogue vanilla expanded.


The matter there is I have the right sentences and the action works perfectly well, but no voice and lip dialogue. I wonder, tried a few things, how to insert voiced existing vanilla dialogue, for instance " One is good for... give me"( I am working on french version), as I thought that simply reproducing the dialogue by copy/paste or something working like that (it is how I did the dialogue expansion) would be fine enough, but it isn't. I am runing out of ideas about how to do, since It should be possible to do.


Thanks a lot


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