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What types of mods should I actually be playing with?


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Okay, what the crap? Decided to find the stats for these skeletons added by Helgen reborn. After failing to find any in the dungeon (what, do they not spawn when combat ai is disabled????), I had to spawn them in after running into several spoilers trying to find them in the stupid embershard dungeon. I found, to my shock, that the skeletons are level 24 and have over 300 hp! They're stronger than that giant frostbite spider at the start of the dungeon! What the crap? The skeletons added by my other quest mods aren't nearly as powerful. They're either my level or lower, and none have higher than 150 hp. No wonder I can't handle those skeletons; they have twice my hp and they spawn another enemy when they die! What the crap is this? This isn't even line with my other quest mods! This is beyond dark souls difficult! The mod pages recommends you start the quest at level 20, but looking at it I don't think it would make much of a difference. I mean, you're swarmed by enemies with stats comparable to a boss monster! What the crap is this?

Guess I should only do mod quests when I'm super high level. However, what am I supposed to do until then? Trudge through the vanilla game until I get to the end game and then start doing the interesting stuff? This is dumb. Why should I bother giving these mods another chance? The quest mods aren't doable until you're an end-game character, and the monsters added by SiC make it impossible for you to survive the early game! This is so stupid. f*#@ quest mods and creature mods forever. This leaves me with virtually nothing, but so what I clearly can't play these mods anyway.

They need an accessibillity patch for people like me who can't play dark souls (HOW MANY TIMES MUST I STATE THAT BEFORE PEOPLE GET IT IN THEIR HEAD I CANT PLAY DARKSOULS I CANT PLAY DARKSOULS I CANT PLAY DARKOULS). How about we make mods with accessibility in mind? What, is this community bigoted towards disabled people? Granted, I'm not technically disabled, but nobody seems to give two shits about anyone who isn't the best of the best.

Besides, let's be real, what's 'fun' about hacking at an enemy for minutes on end? Some enemies are so op I can't even see their hp going down because they have so much stinking health! What's fun about that? Even if you're invincible, trying to kill enemies like that is just lame. There's a reason why skyrim wasn't designed like that. Its because it sucks!

So yeah, until the community starts making ACCESSIBLE mods, I'm stuck playing without quest mods or creature mods of any sort. Maybe I'll use the models from various creature mods someday and make my own creature compiliation filled with creatures that are 100% like vanilla creatures but with a different model. Then I can enjoy them.

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Do you know how mods are made?    Some gamer plays the game, sees some aspect of it that they don't like, and decides to change it.    TO  ...  THEIR  ...  OWN  ...   LIKING.     Be it the way how things look, how things behave, if  something is too easy for them, or too difficult, or takes too long, or does not take long enough.    They make a mod, and upload it - in case someone else fancies the same change.    Mods reflect modders' own wants and likes and capabilities, and they are not obligated in any shape of form to make them 'accessible' for anyone else.     Even so, in many cases they do, providing an MCM or a config file where things can be adjusted.     Even without an MCM, it is just a mod.    It is 100% your choice to add it to your game or not.    And if you really want a mod but some aspects of it are not enjoyable for you,   nothing prevents you from going into CK or xEdit and changing them ... TO ...  YOUR  ... OWN ... LIKING.     Creating your own 3D models, textures, animations, forming quests, world-building and navmeshing, putting together dialogue and scenes can be darn hard and requires a lot of learning.   But adjusting some modded-in skeleton  difficulty should be downright trivial.     In most cases, you don't even need to go mob by individual mob - just adjust level range of an encounter template. 


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I'll save people the scrolling and just make a general reply to your, the OP, posts since I last did. Yes, we got sort of off topic, but its your thread and I'm just responding to your posts. So back on topic. Now, after reading your latest posts, I am wondering if you just want to rant over finding a solution. I hope not, or I'm just wasting my time. For one, and again, you are on the SE forum talking about issues in LE. How can you expect to find fitting answers. I've never even opened another version area on nexus because I only play SE.

With the bashing of mod authors/creators not making a mod fitting for your liking of difficulty, PLEASE STOP!!!!!!!! IDK, about anyone else in the modding community, but that is what I LOVE about their mods!!! As I have already stated, IDK about LE and THIS IS an SE forum, but since we last talked I have added more quest mods like ones you mentioned. Along the way, I ALSO seen PLENTY of mods to basically "tone them down" or "make them easier". So, IN the SE version, I KNOW one has game difficulty level settings, like 5 or more if memory serves me correctly as I am NO gaming expert playing at max either (NOT even close, LIKE you!), AND the availability of mods made for players just like you, and most likely the mod authors of them, that found they are too difficult, etc.

So, all I see is THAT an upgrade to SE, at the least, will solve ALL your concerns!

Next, REALLY........ONLY a level 16 full magic spell chucker character and your making references about these mods. That is nothing for a full magic using character! And I mean REALLY NOTHING!!!! It takes a LOT of levels to get a full magic using character ONLY protected for armor class by magic clothing, to be strong enough to handle, well hell, basically ANYTHING even vanilla, let alone mod quests, OR as you keep mentioning, BE A REALLY GOOD PLAYER!!!! 😉 Take this as a rule of thumb, if the mod author says you need to be level 20 to start, plan level 50 for a full magic using character. I mean really, it sounds like you have seen plenty of great players on youtube recording themselves. AS I have. Did you see their movements for full spell chucking characters. Did you notice they have things like DUAL CASTING for them. Do you see them just walking through paced so they have reaction time to find and use the according spell before the enemy is kneading them like dough. If you want to play more difficult and strategy requiring characters, you need to learn HOW to play them. OTHERWISE, just make the biggest and strongest race into a heavy armored fighter and just hack and wack away for the strategy.

Those "difficult mods" as your complaining about, ARE why I, and most likely plenty of others, still find challenge and interest in a game that is over a decade old.

Note to mod authors, make them as damn hard and strategy demanding as you want!!!!! Some of us love it!

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