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how to kill a creature summoned by a script also with the script

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Good time of day, I need a little help in my mod

The point is that I have a chicken in one of the quests of my mod and it serves as a kind of religious sacrifice, it is summoned by a script (the stage of the quest changes in this case) and I want to somehow put another script on the chicken to be able to kill it and also change the stage of the quest

I tried to add the "event on actor killed" script to the "scripts" section of the creation kit, since the chicken is a separate npc, but it doesn't work for some reason, only the script for summoning works

Any help would be appreciated



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My general thought would be to place that chicken in the scene in advance, but initially disabled.     Load that chicken as one of your quest aliases.    When summoning, you just enable the chicken.  Then you can have a script attached to that alias.      

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