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Unique players and Cridowskin


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Ok I've got an issue with Fallout 4 modding I've been trying for days now, i'm trying to get Unique players and Cridowskin to work together but I cannot get it to work, I've been working on this for about a week now I've looked up guides and follow instructions but it but I can't get it to work but I've seen people posting within the last year that they've got it to work and I can't figure it out has anyone got any ideas on what I should do

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Did you try to manualy copy the textures after installing "Cridowskin"? With "Unique Player" or maybe "Unique Player and Followers" you get new folders for textures and meshes. So you could try to copy the textures from "..\data\textures\actors\character\basehumanfemale" into "..\data\textures\actors\character\PlayerHumanFemale" (I recommend to make a copy of this folder first.) The same you can try with texture folders of the followers if you use the "Unique Player and Followers" mod. In my eyes this should work.

Edited by subaverage
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ah ok ty i have tried to do an odd work around where I copy the basehumanfemale folder and then place it in the actor/characters folder and then rename it to playerhumanfemale and then I renamed the old one to "playerhumanfemale - not" that did not work either

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