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Fallout 4 - How to use outfit studio to modify sleeves?

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Hey guys, I'm hoping to utilise outfit studio to create rolled up sleeve version of some vanilla outfits. Like vault suit, BOS jumpsuit etc.

However I went through quite a lot of guides and tutorial videos, and most of them just deal with bust size or clipping errors. How should I go about modifying sleeve location of outfits though?

Appreciate it if anyone can point me to the right direction!

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I don't think you can use Outfit Studio to roll up sleeves. You can use it to shorten sleeves (either by zapping or by compression of size), and you can use it to lengthen sleeves and add vertices, but to roll them up where you fold them over each other wouldn't get the look you want.

You could, in theory, mask the whole outfit except for the end vertices and then one layer at a time expand and move the vertices until you gradually roll them up, then work on the next layer, etc. But it would be incredibly cumbersome and wouldn't look good.

For rolled up sleeves you really need to create the model and then texture it rather than to a vertex layer at a time expand and move the outfit.

Outfit studio can do a lot of amazing things and has gotten better and better over the years. For instance, "refine mesh" on portions that need it is a far more powerful anti-clipping tool than what people used years ago (inflate). But Outfit Studio isn't yet a tool for creating new meshes.

P.S. Speaking of refine mesh, if you're working with Vanilla outfits, keep in mind those are incredibly low polygon count. If you want to use vanilla outfits on a body which has more vertices than it (such as CBBE, Fusion Girl or the like), you need to also add vertices to the outfits. In general I do the following:

1. Use OS to Refine Mesh once on the whole outfit to get it close to the modded body type.

2. If I'm using a very high poly body like Fusion Girl, I then mask the breasts, groin and butt then invert the mask and refine mesh again.

Old tutorials tell you to inflate the mesh away from the body, but that simply makes for a baggier and less shapely body. If you match the vertex count of the outfit parts to the body, they can stay tight to the body without clipping. Don't go over board, but do try to match the vertex count.

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