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Broken nif in CK


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Hi, I've never imported a mesh into skyrim before and I'm having a lot of issues. So far, things have been ok and it shows up completely fine in NifSkope, but loading it in the creation kit just results in a red exclamation point, so the mesh is probably broken in some way but I have no idea how.
I've gone through most of the solutions I found online, which did fix the CTDs I got in the CK when trying to load the nif (although now it's the red exclamation point).
If somebody more experienced could tell me where I went wrong that would be awesome!


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A few things to fix;

1) Apply the transforms for all the BSTriShapes. Right click > Transform > Apply
2) One of the shapes - 19 BSTriShape SBFarmchimney - has the Skinned flag in it's BSLightingShapderProperty Shader Flags 1, this is most likely the main cause of your issues so remove that. It's also missing the vertex_colors flag in Shader Flags 2.
3) The shape 16 BSTriShape SBFarmshutters looks like you tried to set it up as a window but it's only halfway there. In the BSLightingShaderProperty the Shader Type should be Glow Shader and you need a _g (glow) texture. If it's not an actual window then remove the Shader Flag 1 External_Emittance and Shader Flag 2 Glow_Map flags.
4) The shape 10 BSTriShape SBfarmthatchaplha (yes its misspelled) is missing a NiAlphaProperty.

An extra word of advice. Currently all your textures point to just the Textures\ folder. Not really a good idea to drop your textures in there. Create a new folder under the Textures\ folder to place all your textures in that will be unique to your model. Something like MyFarmhouse. Then don't forget to remap the texture paths. So, for example, textures\myfarmhouse\thatchroof01.dds. Keep in mind though, if these are using vanilla textures just map to the existing vanilla texture path.

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