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I Want to Play As A Cat...


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Edit: I put this post in the (mod request) folder so I'll put it here as well in case this is an easily fixable issue
Putting out an APB for anyone that is good with implementing/creating mods
I would like to play Baldur’s Gate as my regular 5e character that I’m in. I have a bit of a problem though… he’s a cat.
Not a Tabaxi, but an actual cat that walks around on two legs. His name is Dr. Lupin Coil, professor of religious ritual studies at Neverwinter University with a graduate’s degree in Arcane science. He’s a warlock of The Great Old One with the Sage background. He sounds like Frasier played by Kelsey Grammer
Does anyone know of a mod where you can play as a cat? (I’ll even accept a Tabaxi if push comes to shove) or anyone know how I can create one? I’ve never created a mod before and any help is appreciated.
Art is by Pinterest: @swampwitchdani
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