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Skyrim automatically disabling my mods even though they are enabled in Vortex


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Hi, having trouble with getting my mods to work. and was told to post here.

Trying to start a new game and I noticed I was getting the default game start instead of the alternate start, then I realised it was because skyrim has all my mods disabled by default.

Im not really keen on using the creation club to enable my mods because I read that it can mess up load orders. Any way to fix this? Here's the message that appears when I try and load an old save file.

Couple of additional notes: I uninstalled Engine Fixes and the .toml file that supposedly is the cause but it's still doing this.


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I think that you should go back and read the appropriate post again.  I don't think that removing Engine Fixes does anything good, due to the fact that both v 1.6.1130 and 1.6.1170 removed some Steam related stuff, and that is where the problems come in, wrt SkyUI.  That is why I said you should EDIT the Engine Fixes .toml.  You can also search the Vortex Support forum for something like 'plugins disabled', or 'load order lost', etc.  The information is scattered about a bit, but hopefully someone will come along and put together a concise summary...

Also, on the SE forum:

Good luck!

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7 hours ago, phobosia said:

Hi, having trouble with getting my mods to work. and was told to post here.

Trying to start a new game and I noticed I was getting the default game start instead of the alternate start, then I realised it was because skyrim has all my mods disabled by default.

Im not really keen on using the creation club to enable my mods because I read that it can mess up load orders. Any way to fix this? Here's the message that appears when I try and load an old save file.

Couple of additional notes: I uninstalled Engine Fixes and the .toml file that supposedly is the cause but it's still doing this.

If you use Engine Fixes on the latest version, all esp plugins will be disabled unless you use this modified toml file as well:


If you install it, it will work correct and your mods will not be disabled.

If it did not work for you, then it means you did not install Engine Fixes correctly. You need both parts of Engine Fixes, and part 2 goes into the Skyrim Se directory.

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20 hours ago, Hietanen said:

If you use Engine Fixes on the latest version, all esp plugins will be disabled unless you use this modified toml file as well:


If you install it, it will work correct and your mods will not be disabled.

If it did not work for you, then it means you did not install Engine Fixes correctly. You need both parts of Engine Fixes, and part 2 goes into the Skyrim Se directory.

Heya, I tried this and fixing the file but I get this error now and the same issue

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This may mean you forgot part 2 of Engine Fixes, which is why Engine Fixes can't be loaded.

Go over your Engine Fixes installation, and make sure you installed both parts of Engine Fixes, and also make sure you put part 2 in the Skyrim SE directory.

Edit: It could also mean some other dll is incompatible, such as Engine Fixes. So go over your dlls and make sure they are the right version for your Skyrim.

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I found you need Steam running BEFORE you launch a Vortex-modded Skyrim. I had the exact same issue with disabled mods. I opened Vortex, enabled them all again, made sure Steam was running then launched using the skse64_loader. Problem solved for me. Cheers.

Edited by thetraveler436
corrected grammar
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No, there's something else going on. I just loaded up a collection I've been working on, replaced a couple of mods in the load order and now ALL my plugins are disabled. I never tried to open it in Steam, only Vortex to make the changes. I'd guess something in Vortex is broken.

Edited by thetraveler436
corrected info
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