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characters eye including npc


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Most eye problems are related to having too many 'beauty' type mods installed. Each one wants to control how the eyes look and you get something strange. black eyes, no eyes, googly eyes, strange color etc. Look for mods such as 'beautiful people' and any custom race mod. disable all of them and see if you get the vanilla eyes back. Then reinstall the mods one at a time until you find the one that is causing the problem.
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I have an eye problem with vanilla Oblivion with no beauty enhancer mods. When things get laggy, NPCs may have two heads and faces. One is almost on top of the other in the X Y and Z directions. The eyes flash from blue to black to blue to black. The face looks waxen and expressionless. When the lips move to talk, it looks really bad and alien. In certain indoor lights, the face has a bad red or orange rash. These problems can go away if I move to a less-busy cell. Multiple NPCs, multiple lights, grass, rain, snow, and numerous scripts running make this problem worse.
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I have an eye problem with vanilla Oblivion with no beauty enhancer mods. When things get laggy, NPCs may have two heads and faces. One is almost on top of the other in the X Y and Z directions. The eyes flash from blue to black to blue to black. The face looks waxen and expressionless. When the lips move to talk, it looks really bad and alien. In certain indoor lights, the face has a bad red or orange rash. These problems can go away if I move to a less-busy cell. Multiple NPCs, multiple lights, grass, rain, snow, and numerous scripts running make this problem worse.


I get that with companions when fast traveling. I'm pretty sure one of the unofficial patches has a spell called something like "Fix Follower Double Face Bug." I don't know if it would help but you could try.

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