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Mine like Moria


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A mod called "Stacks of Septims" became popular today.  Further, come to think of it, late game a player might come into 5 or 6 figures of septims.  Is there lore where the imperial mint got the gold for this, ehem...liquidity/money supply?  If not, why not in Skyrim somewhere?  The penny anti Kolskegger gold mine isn't a satisfactory solution in size or productivity.  Maybe "panning for gold", could be added as an activity downstream of it?  But that would still be not enough.  If you saw the Peter Jackson LOTR movie "Fellowship of the Ring", you know the vast scale of the Mines of Moria, to fill the Drwarven halls taken as a bed of gold for Smog. Still, a scale demonstrated as feasible for a mod by Blackreach.  I've mentioned it before, but a mint would be an excellent mod too.

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I recently watched a showcase for Return to Moria. Their mines were pretty cool, even provided progressive 3d "carving-out" of ore veins, which at least for me, beats the pants off skyrim's colorized<>dull, unmined<>mined display.  Maybe not practical for the skyrim environment/paradigm,  idk, but it'd be cool (to me)

re: mines, there are a few gold mines in Skyrim & related land expansions that provide a large number of drops, and if you use Immersive creatures and enable the ore guardian demons (can't think of the proper name) you get nice drops from them as well, when they spawn (I set my spawn for them to a ~50% chance on mining) 

But.............If you really just want beaucoup gold without effort, (it IS *just a game after all), you can use console to load out thousands in one command, or use any of several mods with "give yourself N golds" options  (AFAIK, Manipulator is one, I vaguely recall BOSSE possibly being one),m or you can use bags of holding other other weight removers to allow carrying everything, so you can look every gd anything you kill along the way, and then sell it.

Push come shove, gold is easy, if that's your goal. If you want the raw materials for smithing and so forth, that's where those ore guardians and various mining mods come in handy to boost counts (or again you can use mods or console to gift yourself as much of whatever as you want)


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Afaik, lore friendly mining in skyrim means 9 pick strikes, you get 3 ores. There is no other "lore" as far as I know regarding the practice in vanilla skyrim. 9 hits, 3 ores\. Mines represents some little surface encrustation of ore, and picks apparently can't be used to tunnel *into* anything..

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22 hours ago, gaoptimize said:

I just want a lore-friendly explanation of all the gold,

Exactly.   With spells like 'Transmute Ore'  around, no wonder there's so much gold.

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