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[Help] Completed 'Tour of Duty' but 'Show no Mercy' won't start


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Ok, I completed the BoS quest 'Tour of Duty' and I'm sure 'Show No Mercy' is supposed to start right after? But its not even starting/triggering, not even in the 'Data/Quests' list. I don't think it has anything to with the vertibird. I am currently on 'Molecular Level' but Maxson keeps saying 'I'll send for you if I need you". I have tried the completequest commands and setstage to with no success.

I did go to Fort Strong earlier in my game and killed all the mutants and even used 'tcl' to clip thru the debris to get to the armory. But I didnt see any quest pop ups or triggers so I thought it'd be ok. Is that what screwed it up?

Is there a way to fix this or am I gonna have to start a new game... again?

Thank you

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You can use the console command "setstage 000537ff 20" to skip talking to Maxson.  BUT... skipping quest stages this way is, in general, a Very Bad Idea.  There may be triggers that other quests rely on a quest stage to fire than will not be triggered if you use the console to skip quest stages.  Use  at your own risk.

Ideally you would load up an existing save and it works.

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