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Looking for extensive scripting help, for a Companion Quest.


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I'm working on a companion Mod called Charity: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/85358

I've gotten this far using variables, and having topic only become available under certain conditions. But I've hut a road block, even with tutorials.

I need help with scripting, specially with things like how to trigger AutoTalk, and timers triggered by Variable Changes, as well as AutoTalk triggered by trigger volumes. Will most likely need help with other things too.

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Do you have a certain issue you're wanting someone to try to help you tackle on here? Just asking to have an experienced scripter on retainer to help with a load of questions as they pop up isn't really a realistic ask.

The best way to learn a vast skillset like scripting is to reverse-engineer other similar mods that are doing what you're wanting to accomplish, and trying something similar on your own. The Geck WIKI is also surprisingly helpful for specific tasks. Or again, if there's a specific obstacle you're trying to push through, there's a few folks here on the forums that would love to lend you a hand and point you in the right direction, should it be a quick q&a type scenario. 

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