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Help with NPCs, packages, etc


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I am working on a pretty major overhaul of Megaton, with many added NPCs and homes for them. I made packages for each one to have them do a 4-hour patrol, then to go back to their place to eat and then sleep. Early testing was promising, with the tested NPCs performing as I wanted, so I went ahead and did the same package scheme for the remaining NPCs. But when I test it out now, for some reason the NPCs don't return home. Say the package has them returning home at 12, once the time reaches 12 they just stand in place wherever they are and stay there indefinitely. Is there something else I need to consider? I modelled the packages after vanilla NPCs that have the same kind of routine. Does having a large number of packages(which my mod does)have any effect of weird behavior like this?

Also, something else I don't understand, all of my NPCs are placed in their homes, but some spawn right down by the bomb. Even if I arrive at Megaton at a time where their package dictates they should be in their home cell, they always spawn at the bomb and never move from there. Again, something else I am overlooking?

I have gone over the navmeshes, it seems fine, each door has a green triangle(though some have a blue one, not sure what that means), doors are not looked, ownership is correct. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I am at my wit's end.

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