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Some differences between the GOG copy of the game and the steam copy. (SOLVED)


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3 minutes ago, sattyre said:

You can have both a steam and a Gog install at the same time.  I currently have both, and both work.

I guess I could manage a game from each in my managed games in Vortex? Just set up the path?

But this is more work and learning curve for me, whatever I do it needs to be complete and downloadend and working by tonight.

I shoudl be packing ym 3 suitcases right now but I am still enaged with the game.

Maybe I should start spending all these countless hours on something more productive like learning a foreign language... 🤔

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GOG isn't the problem - I know because I use the same installer you do.   

Something is haywire on your end.   I don't use Vortex so I can't help you there.   

I use MO2 and I don't have a single mod that worked with the Steam version that didn't work with the GOG version.

This is one of those cases that short of having your PC in front of me I couldn't tell you where the problem is.    Too many mods I don't use, too many unknown variables exist.


Only issue I have with GOG is actually with MO2.   

Because Steam isn't already loaded (because it's not on my system) Steam it prompts me whether I want to ignore that warning whenever I run F4SE - which I obviously do.   

Works like a charm.

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25 minutes ago, sattyre said:

You identify mods that are or have a F4SE component by several factors. 

1:  Typically the download page tells you it is a F4SE mod. 

2:  if you open the mod folder it will always have a folder titled "F4SE" and the folder structure is always  "Data\"F4SE\plugins.  (I put quotations around the "Data\" because often this folder is not there and is assumed and modern mod managers typically don't need to see an actual Data folder to know how to place a mod.)

3:  F4SE mods typically are packaged as above and make use of a .dll file.  However there can also be other types of files, including F4EE and json files.

You place them into the game folder by first creating the appropriate game folders to start with.  Within the root directory, where you find the Fallout4.exe is the "Data" folder.  This folder contains the Fallout .esms and .ba2 files.  Inside the data folder, Create a folder titled F4SE and open it.  Then create a folder named Plugins.  This is where you paste the F4SE .dll or .ini or any other file that are found within the F4SE\plugins\ folder structure.  Any components outside of this structure should stay in the mod manager, such as esp/esl/esm or Textures or meshes or other folders.

You can identify the F4SE component because it is typically found within the F4SE\plugins\ folder structure.  Sometimes mods are not packaged correctly, so you have to deduce that by reading the mod description and paying attention to what you're installing. 

If a mod deviates slightly from the F4SE\plugins structure by having another folder component such as "F4SE\plugins\component\*files*", then that structure should also be adhered too.

It should be noted that you can also simply drag and drop the file and folder structure into the game folder.

It seems like only a very tiny minority of my mods are organized like this.

The vast majority are simply, esps esms and esls, dropped directly into the Data folder with no folder structure of their own.

C---> GOG Games---> Fallout 4 GOTY---> Data---> bunch of .esms, .esps, esls that I recognize as 95% of my mods.

MCM, and AAF have  a folder structure of their own in the Data folder. TFBs have a folder structure. Some clothes and sfx packs do as well but thats it. There is also tool---> body slide has folders

When I open the F4Se folder on the botton of the Data folder, it has Project Mojave in it, Transfer settlements and Buffout 4. but thats (almost) it plus 3 or 4 of obscure mods I barely recognize ( are disabled)

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18 minutes ago, fraquar said:


This is one of those cases that short of having your PC in front of me I couldn't tell you where the problem is.    Too many mods I don't use, too many unknown variables exist.


I totally get that.

I am not a power user like you are ,but at times users on here ask questions that I feel I could fix if I had the computer in front of me,

It increasingly looks like my safest bet to have a high mod count, yet stable working game on this laptop before I head overseas, is to go to Steam.

I think I will go back my 3 bags now, check out of the hotel (with its slow internet) early , then go to my buddys house with his fast internet and hope I can remember my steam passwords .

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I'm not a power user at all - in fact I rarely have more that 100 mods at any one time.

It's just I spend a lot, lot, lot more time testing than actually playing.    Pretty sure this is a disease that affects quite a few modders. 😄

If something breaks I want to tell the mod author why - with details.   So many times I spend hours only to figure out that I was the problem - not the mod. 🙃

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I currently have over 45 F4SE mods with at least 1/2 of them being F4SE only and the other half having both f4se and normal mod components such as esps textures, meshes, scripts etc.

My feeling is you have an error in the vortex setup that is creating issues for you.   Regardless, steam and GOG should only differ in the originating source and setup files, with some minor updates done by GOG for a more streamlined play.

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8 minutes ago, sattyre said:

I currently have over 45 F4SE mods with at least 1/2 of them being F4SE only and the other half having both f4se and normal mod components such as esps textures, meshes, scripts etc.

My feeling is you have an error in the vortex setup that is creating issues for you.   Regardless, steam and GOG should only differ in the originating source and setup files, with some minor updates done by GOG for a more streamlined play.

The majority of my mods were installed manually.

downloadend from Nexus (whule I still had good internet at my own house a month ago) manually

then the files were put on a  thumbdrive so I could ahve them onc ei was w/o fast internet.

That thumbdrive inserted into this laptop

Thumbdrive trabsferred to the folder on this laptop

Installed via vortex from that folder. So perhaps that may be part of it alaas most of my mods seem to ave sruvived this procedure fine, as they should have since the files were indistinguishable from a direct Nexus download before I installed via Vortex.

 Do you think I should deletedmy game, delete all my mods and then install to GOG again from scratch tonite?

Of course I only have time to do this once tonight so if this second GOG attempt goes awry too there goes my chance t get it done before i leave.

And I am really getting burned out of working on this.

I did 20 new starts in past week all the way to diamond city to test. Ironically I was able to get Diamond city expansion pack plus red seat to be stable which if often a finicky mod that i have goiven up on in the past

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I don't think deleting the game or vortex will solve anything.  I think reinstalling vortex and allowing it to overwrite may fix things, verifying your GOG install will fix any gog problems.  Reinstalling broken mods sometimes is the solution expecially if they haven't been packaged properly. 


Also go get your steam FO4 at least you'll have both.

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Any quick way of deleting all mods? 

If they are not properly packed i want to start fresh, "Purge mods" dosent appear to delete them and i am loathe to go through every single of the nearly 250 mods i have installed and push uninstall/remove

As for installign both Steam and GOG , I dont want o deal with managing the pathing on that. I will keep my hard donwlaoeded GOG files on my D drive seperate in reserve but if I switch to steam it will be all steam to minimize confusion .

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