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Witcher 3 - saves becomes broken


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Hello everyone! I am faced with a problem:

I have played TW3 Blood&Wine with some mods, and have an issue: after completing half or almost all side quests (especially an abandoned settlements) my save becomes broken - after loading save, recently received items (before I make a save) which was crafted or received using the console disappears, also disappears NPC which I need to talk to continue quest (for expamle: Regis disappears when I returned after Corvo Bianko if I save/load after dialog with him before we go to Tesham Mutna, or any another NPC which standing and waiting for me ). I just don't know what may cause such problem.

My modlist was:


0BiA ASL Compatibility - Next-Gen

Additional Potions

Additional Stash Locations - Next Gen

All Gear Enchanting Based On Sockets

Alt Igni and Yrden lightsource

Auto Loot All-in-One NG Update 4 3 9

BIA - TW3 Bug Fix and Restored Content Collection

Blood Trails

Delayed Recovery Fix

disable-trophy-autoequip (Next Gen)

DLC - Fast Travel Pack

Enhanced Herbalism

ESGO 3.2.3 for Next-Gen

Extra Skills Slots Next Gen

Fix Stuck Quest Items

Friendly HUD

Friendly Meditation


Lower Set Bonus 2 4 For Next Gen

Map Quest Objectives Full 4.04 v13

Menu Strings

Minor Set Bonus - Next-Gen ONLY

new griffin armor t5

Preparations Restored Icons - Next Gen

Shared Imports-v0.6 - NEXT-GEN

Sort Everything - Next Gen

tw 3 random-encounters-reworked

Yrden 2Circles And 2Lightnings Balansed

For now I have save which I made after disabling all mods. If I spawn a thing "additem('Red Wolf Armor 1')" for example, make a save, load it - all goes fine. But if I do something (loot any container for example) my game becomes broken and bug which I described above appears.

Here link to my save https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d6RwtI3lZSnyV6xwHqXQk6RXW3LGRIcy/view?usp=sharing

My suggestion - completing quests (points of interest) which ends with timelapse cutscene make my game became broken, but I don't know why, and what to do.

Edited by grimdoll
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  • 2 weeks later...

I had the same problem. I got to a point with the Bloody Baron quest where any time I triggered the cutscenes, my game would crash and I just can't advance the story anymore. I tried uninstalling every mod, revalidating game files, and I even uninstalled and redownloaded the entire game. My saves still won't work. The only mod we have in common from your list is the Auto Loot All mod.

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On 3/14/2024 at 7:46 PM, grimdoll said:


My modlist was:

  Hide contents

0BiA ASL Compatibility - Next-Gen

Additional Stash Locations - Next Gen

Auto Loot All-in-One NG Update 4 3 9

ESGO 3.2.3 for Next-Gen

Fix Stuck Quest Items


For now I have save which I made after disabling all mods. If I spawn a thing "additem('Red Wolf Armor 1')" for example, make a save, load it - all goes fine. But if I do something (loot any container for example) my game becomes broken and bug which I described above appears.

Here link to my save https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d6RwtI3lZSnyV6xwHqXQk6RXW3LGRIcy/view?usp=sharing

My suggestion - completing quests (points of interest) which ends with timelapse cutscene make my game became broken, but I don't know why, and what to do.

For what I can see, I suggest that you have an issue with item mods.


I have used FSQI and Hoods by myself and had not such an issue - that's why I say these two hardly cause the problem.

I did never use ESGO, so I can't say so much about it, but it seems to just modify variables for the ingame mathematics but not the items itself - so also just a "maybe" for me.

I would concentrate on the other three - and since Lynchden mentioned that he had a similar problem and also used the Autoloot mod, I suggest you to deactive at least this one (and also delete the coresponding merge), load an old manual save and give it another try (perhaps you should start a new game without that mods for testing.

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