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Mods and Permissions

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Salutations, nexus!

So, in my learning journey on mod-making, I have come across a puzzling conundrum. As we all know, the "Permissions and Credits" section of any well-described mod clearly names who, if anyone, is allowed to mess with, change, upload or update someone's mod.

Now, here's the conundrum: I've come across a mod or two I'd like to either borrow assets from, or tweak/add something to/alter something with. I seek out the mod author's profile, as there is usually a nice big "CONTACT" button with which to contact said author via a Nexus private message.

What do you do when that lovely CONTACT option isn't there? How do you contact the mod author to ask said permission, as per Nexus ethics?

Thankee, Nexus!

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After the latest forum update that feature was lost, but it is currently being re-instated. Try opting into the new Beta test of User Profiles and it should be there.

Another way is to post on the mod page to ask permission. This may even be best as public proof.

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3 hours ago, Hanaisse said:

After the latest forum update that feature was lost, but it is currently being re-instated. Try opting into the new Beta test of User Profiles and it should be there.

Another way is to post on the mod page to ask permission. This may even be best as public proof.

I actually wasn't aware there was an update/upgrade going on with Nexus profiles. That's definitely something to look into, thanks! And...Hmm. Definite food for thought there, and I'd assume that if the mod author doesn't reply, to operate under "No answer means no permission granted", am I correct?

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