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Unique player and Companion Setup


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Hi, at first you need a body replacer like "CBBE" (I would highly recommend to use this one) and "Bodyslide and Outfit Studio". While installing "CBBE" you choose your "default" body for females. E.g. "Curvy". And you choose whether nude or nevernude (means default underwear) and you can install all the converted vanilla clothings for your chosen body. And afterwards you can install Unique Player and Followers Redux. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26108  Keep only one of the installed esps. I kept only this one: UniqueFemalePlayerAndFollowersDLC.esp. As you can see you get unique options for the player and all human (or ex-human) followers. In Bodyslide you will get entries under "Outfit/Body" like Unique Player Female, Unique Piper, Unique Cait, etc. This means that you can create a preset and directly export the mesh to the related folder. You can also use copy and paste, but that's a different story.

The picture shows a part of the folder structure in: ....\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\meshes\actors\character. The folder "characterassets" is the default folder for all human npcs that don't have a unique body. The folder "PlayerCharacterAssets" is the folder for the unique player mesh (body). Same with Cait, Curie, Piper, etc. If the unique folders are empty the game uses what's in "characterassets". Something similar you find under ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Textures\actors\character. So can even give your player, your followers and the rest different skin types.


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