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How to create a config file for my mod?


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I can't seem to find anything online to help me, how do I go about creating a "config.ini" type file to edit some variables, is it easier than the MCM? I was trying to set up MCM last night, thought I was starting to understand it, but then It wouldn't let me save the script and I couldn't at all understand what I was doing wrong. (Then the geck closed on me and I lost everything lmao). Anyways, help would be appreciated.

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this is an excerpt of the script i used in my nif-bashed armour collection.


        if GetInifloat "Armoire Settings:sMechanicOutfit" "ArmoireConfig.ini" == 1

            BaseRemoveItem OutfitJumpsuitTLHandyman 1 VMAKathleen
            BaseAddItem aaMechanicOutfit 1 VMAKathleen

packaged with the mod in a folder named "config" there's a text file named "ArmoireConfig.ini" with "[Armoire Settings]" at the top and the line "sMechanicOutfit=1" below. if that line is unchanged, the block of code in the middle fires. if it's changed to 0 (or any other number) it doesn't. it's just basic if/else statements once you know the functions and syntax and stuff. hopefully having a working example is enough to get you started; if i knew what you were trying to do in specific i might be able to help further.

Edited by puddlepond
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