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Stardew Valley

Are there any coding tutorial resources For making an npc?


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So I'm currently making a daughter for Willy because I had a fun Idea for it, I've drawn out sprites for several things as well as drawn portraits, I've also been writing dialogue out and been working on blocking out how events would happen with this character. I wanted to start the coding process, but found that most tutorial's I've seen are out of date, as well as recommend differing programs (other than SMAPI, which is consistent across the board). I was wondering if there is any coding tutorial resources that are current with Stardew Valley 1.6, or if most of the older tutorials will still work? The one on the wiki asks to use Visual studio 2017 with the C# Coding language, and C# seems to be consistent for most of the tutorials I see, but they are all asking for VS 2017, 2019, or other versions. I wanna make sure I can find an up to date Tutorial since this is my first Stardew mod I am making and I wanna make sure whatever resources I use are solid and don't cause me to take steps back during the development.


Edit: I've gotten closer to my goal thanks tXxHarvzBackxX's Youtube Tutorial, it was easy to follow and well done. His epidsode 4 addressed NPC's and got me on the right track for getting them done.  I also continued on the sprites for Wanda and have gotten what I think is a pretty solid looking character





Edited by Duckfromportal
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