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Giant Red Exclamation Points For NCR Characters

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Hello, I have recently started my first modded run of New Vegas. I have a lot installed (150 total), and most everything seems to be working fine except for the NCR NPCs. From what I've gathered so far, these red markers mean that there is some missing mesh for the NCR characters in particular. I have Dragbody's NPC overhaul facegen fix installed (Dragbody Overhauls NPC FaceGen Fix at Fallout New Vegas - mods and community (nexusmods.com)), and I'm pretty sure something in there is causing the problem, because when I disabled/removed it, the problem went away, but it obviously disabled all the other overhauls for this mod, too. It seems that it has something to do with their clothes/outfit. That's what's missing on their character models, and on others who arent red exclamation points, their armor looks like it isn't loading in correctly. 

Also, I'm not sure if this matters, but these mods included in this overhaul were also available separately on another website other than nexus, and I originally downloaded them manually from there and drag/dropped them into my game directory. I couldnt get them working correctly, so I downloaded this overhaul from nexus and installed it using Vortex. Could the fact that I also downloaded some of these manually from another source cause the issue? I tried just disabling the NCRoverhaul.esp in the plugins page, and the same mod on the mods page, but the red exclamation marker is still there. If it's possible to just get rid of the ncr part of the mod, i could do that. 

I am relatively new to modding, so I'm sure I did some things a little sloppily (especially regarding the mod order, as I mostly just used the suggested options. If anyone has any experience with this mod, could you maybe help me pinpoint the issue and fix it/remove what is causing it? I could get a list of all the mods I have installed if needed. 

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Check to ensure that your mod is properly archive validated. Vortex or MO2, there's a way to auto validate mods, and if you dont check that option from start, your mods wont get auto validate. Then there's things that if you do, it interrupt the autovalidation process.

From what's been described, it sound like the mod(s) that mess with NCR clothes doesnt get validated.

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