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Move a load door teleport marker in script ?

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I can get a handle to a load door ObjectReference in script and move that fine.

Unfortunatley the associated/linked yellow actor teleport marker does not move with the door object (in CK render window or in game with script), the player keeps teleporting to the original teleport marker location.

Before I waste a stack of time on this,  does anyone KNOW absolutley if it is possible or impossible to get a handle to and move a teleport marker in script ?

I was originally using activators with OnActivate scripted Moveto but the game doesnt know about that path for map marker display and npc pathing and I woudl like to have it all.

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When you place a teleport door, you need to finalize the navmesh, otherwise the navmesh triangle under the teleport marker will not show yellow, therefore the npc pathing through such door doesn't work, so my guess is that you can't.

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Whilst the MoveTo navmesh "marker" is not script addressible, just for fun I messed around with xEdit overrides of XNDP (Navigation Door Link - Navmesh) records.

Had some unpredictable sucess/failures changing the target navmesh triangle to maintain NPC pathing and map portal targets. Oh well.

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On 4/11/2024 at 7:35 PM, SKKmods said:

Whilst the MoveTo navmesh "marker" is not script addressible, just for fun I messed around with xEdit overrides of XNDP (Navigation Door Link - Navmesh) records.

If you switch, swap or whatnot the Navigation Door Link - Navmesh you may also update the NAVI (Navigation Mesh Info Map). More info:


Could not find more on the CK wiki, will update the post later.

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To answer the original question: you can't.


That said, Lighthouse Papyrus Extender seems to add a GetDoorDestination. I haven't tested it, though, and I don't know what it would even return, since a door's destination isn't an actual separate ObjectReference, but extra data in the door's ObjectReference.



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4 hours ago, pra said:

To answer the original question: you can't.


That said, Lighthouse Papyrus Extender seems to add a GetDoorDestination. I haven't tested it, though, and I don't know what it would even return, since a door's destination isn't an actual separate ObjectReference, but extra data in the door's ObjectReference.



FO4Edit >> REFR (of DOOR) >> XTEL - Teleport Destination: Door. It is extra data indeed. Class DoorTeleportData holds the variables for load doors, linkeDoorRef.MoveTo alone isn't suppose to retarget teleport destination. Editing navmesh portal data is technically possible but in reality, outside of the CK (which has the proper implementation for it), it's extremely difficult to correctly edit them in a custom code. (If script extenders are of interests, I can take a look at the destination coordinates later).

Edited by LarannKiar
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, dynamically updating the navmesh door triangles isn't possible.


Closest thing you can do is what Bethesda did for the VR workshops (and I stole for Not Just Basements):

Place two invisible doors, one in your cell at the exit, the other in the wilderness somewhere (but still on the navmesh).
Only finalize the navmesh in your interior, leave the exterior as it is (for compatibility reasons).
Relocate the exterior invisble door when your moveto-activator relocates.

This should make the quest markers work at least, pointing into/out of your interior. NPCs might be able to path out of the interior, but, they will then appear in the wilderness cell mentioned above. I don't think they can path into the interior.


I tried circumventing some of the issues by giving the invisible doors in NJB an OnActivate event handler to relocate the NPC where I expect them to be. I don't think it really works, though.


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