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Hack ?


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(excuse me in advance for my language)

for a while my password no longer worked, and yet I made never mistake ! ( i know my passwords by heart )

I had the same problems in the past, but more longer, and I wondered if I had been hacked...

I may not be as white as a dove, but it gets heavy to be hacked by smart little guys...
Little weasel I should say, but there are limits, and if communication is not possible, it will be a sudden, kick in their behind that I will explain, i'm not stupid...

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my account got hacked and they sent a 'email' with the password in the to:; field and i only it used here plus a threat to release a video they took (how as i have no camera) of me enjoying an adult video in a carnal way. the account in question has had the password changed (go figure) so its obvious what happened. reset it and send it to that address, or delete the account. meh.

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@therealigorath Definitely scan your system for keyloggers if this is the only place you've used that password -- or change your password to something a bot won't guess by "running down the dictionary".  (For most things these days, I use randomly generated letters and numbers that only my password manager can remember.)

So far, the only passwords I've had exposed were ones from data breaches on sites that didn't store them very securely.  I don't use those passwords anymore for any kind of security.

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