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Strange glitch happening with Custom Summon

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The summon script you mention is clearly made for persistent references, in short it simulates summoning by moving a creature from its "cage" (propably located in dedicated cell) to you and back. Is your summon persistent? Also with "No level processing" flag ticked (many creatures has) such creature will not run any AI package or script (so creatures made for summoning have this flag off and "Quest Item" flag on - makes them updated more often and their bodies will not be removed on cell reset) if you aren't in same cell. Regarding Spriggan's death I'm not sure, maybe it's something in summon script again.


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All of the creatures have the "No level processing" box not ticked, and quest item wasn't ticked as well.
Also the summons placed in the summon cell are persistent references.

I ticked the quest item flag on and it fixed the changing cell issue, thank you : )

Seems like that the Spriggan issue happens reliably now if you summon her, change cell, then the timer expires and she dies
On next summon, she pops up already dead and the spell gets reset, then she starts behaving normally-ish
There's also another issue witht he summon becoming permanent, which happens if you fast travel or wait while the summon is active.
Am I correct that this other issue is one that cannot be fixed due to the nature of fast travel/waiting? 🤔

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I suspect that this summon script isn't prepared for situation when summon spell is cast in rapid succession and is working right only when you wait until the spell finish itself. If not, the script will skip some phases because measured time for them didn't come. 

Regarding problem with fast travel/waiting/sleeping - after this the spell is no longer active, so there is nothing to control your creature anymore with script as it is. You will need to add ScriptEffectFinish (preferable choice) part or external source script must be running which can handle both situations.

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Holy moly

I've inserted these lines at the end of the script


Begin ScriptEffectFinish

SUMN.moveto CreatureCageREF 0 0 10


And it seems to have fixed both the wait/fast travel issues, plus I haven't been able to replicate the Spriggan jank with this in yet
Thank you RomanR for the suggestion : )

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