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I have wanted to replay this since i bought my new pc November 2023, but i get instant crashes when I'm not on low quality settings. system specs below. I'm running this from Steam. Its a new machine and should run this with no problems. I've read several threads pointing it needing to be installed on a Hard Drive verses Solid State drive(unfortunately I didn't read about this issue before i decided to purchase this machine or i would've made sure I bought a machine that had a hard drive already in it...) i bought this thing and an extra SSD card to put in. It has SATA cables and I can install my old hard drive into but i was really hoping someone had made a mod for this issue by now. Surely I thought, someone would've made one to stabilize the crashing. I tried both the DirectX9 and single core allocation fixes but neither worked. I don't think the directx9 fix even did anything because when i looked in the game configure file program is said it was running directx 12....


I can load the game, and repeatedly crash upon arriving to Ostagar, usually around the place where the save is triggered. A couple times went to an older save file and loaded in from that and it was fixed for a bit but then returned to regular cashing, I also read that being logged into your EA account would be ill advised(but i never had it logged in to begin with)






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