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.dds Name - Whiterun texture


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Assuming this is a screenshot from your current  game

First, install More Informative Console 

In game, looking at an object, open console and click the object.    It will give you info about the .nif file, including the textures being used - you can drill down the info by hovering over a specific item and pressing Shift.    This should let you find the texture you need.


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Thank you for your reply!

The question is, how do I know which .dds file is the one I'm looking for? As you can see at your screenshot, the console shows all .dds entries for the whole building...


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To begin with, it narrows the range significantly.    Lets look at this example:  it shows 21 textures.   10 of them are regular (diffuse), 10 are their normal counterparts,  (with _n suffix) and one is  glow map for windows (_g suffix), so you are already down to 10 potential textures.    Next, look at texture names.   They are pretty descriptive, and can help narrow the search further.    

If you are still unsure which texture is the one you need, I would suggest  looking up the actual model .nif.    On the house in my screenshot, checking further into the Model, shows it is Architecture\WhiteRun\WRBuildings\WRTempleofK01.nif.     If I extract that .nif from one of the Skyrim - Meshes  bsa files and open in NifScope, and click on the part that interests me, it will highlight the  corresponding BSTriShape in the list, just expand it and its BSLightingShaderProperty in order to access its BSShaderTextureSet - it will have the texture used for that part.


Now,  caveat - NifScope might show one texture, but in game, a different one might be applied via a texture set.    However, the name will likely be VERY similar.    
I.e. .nif might show a texture  named 'WRWoodBranchWall01.dds',   but in the texture list seen via console, there is 'WRWoodBranchWall01Color.dds'


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Thank you very, very much for your kind and detailed reply, you helped me a lot!! The files I was looking for are "wrtemplefloor01" and... I forgot the other one. x) Anyway, I've learnt something new about More Informative Console and Nifskope, which I still find quite intimidating to be honest. x) Best wishes to you!

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