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Is there a more efficient way to write a long disjunction ?


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ElseIf (QI == 4 || QI == 5 || QI == 6 || QI == 7 || QI == 8 || QI == 9 || QI == 10 || QI == 11 || QI == 12 || QI == 14 || QI == 15 || QI == 16 || QI == 17 || QI == 18 || QI == 19 || QI == 20 || QI == 21 || QI == 22 || QI == 23)

There has to be a nicer way to write this. Something like, "Elseif (QI IsOneOf [4,5,6,7,8])" or "Elseif (QI isOneOf[4..12,14..19]).

I suppose if ((QI >= 4) && (QI <= 12)) || ((QI >= 14) && (QI <= 23)) or similar would work.

Are there related syntax moves that would be better ?

Here's another even uglier one:

If (csbmagellanquest04locations.isrunning() && SavedText[0] != CorrectReplacementText && SavedText[1] != CorrectReplacementText && SavedText[2] != CorrectReplacementText && SavedText[3] != CorrectReplacementText && SavedText[4] ......

If the above goes to index 19, that's just a monstrosity. 

Is there a better way to tackle this ?

Edited by csbx
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How about:

ElseIf QI >= 4 && QI <= 23 && QI != 13

I use a lot of this construct as well:

ElseIf myComplexCondition( args...)

bool function myComplexCondition( params...) global
	if something
		return False
	elseif somethingelse
		return False
	elseif someotherthing
		return True
		return somesimplecondition


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For your second example, since you are working with an array, use Find to get the index with the matching value and then do something.

If csbmagellanquest04locations.isrunning()
  Int index = SavedText.Find(CorrectReplacmentText)
  Debug.Trace("CorrectReplacementText has been found at index "+index+" of the SavedText array.")
  If index >= 0 ;a match has been found
    ;do something since they match
    ;do smething else since there was no match


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Just thought I'd offer another alternative, there's always more than one way to go about things.
you could do 2 if statements

if QI >= 4 && QI <= 12
    if QI >= 14 && QI <= 23

or this: 

if QI >=4 && QI <= 23 && QI != 13


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Generally if you have a condition that long, you'll want to split it up on multiple lines to make it easier to read:

if (csbmagellanquest04locations.isrunning() && \
    SavedText[0] != CorrectReplacementText && \
    SavedText[1] != CorrectReplacementText && \
    SavedText[2] != CorrectReplacementText && \
    SavedText[3] != CorrectReplacementText && \
    SavedText[4] ...... )


In this example, you could also do it using a loop:

bool matchFound = false
While (i < SavedText.Length && !matchFound)
    if (SavedText[i] == CorrectReplacementText)
        matchFound = true
    index += 1

if (csbmagellanquest04locations.isrunning() && !matchFound)

But as mentioned above, using Find is the best way to do this particular example.

You could even do it in one line:

If (csbmagellanquest04locations.isrunning() && SavedText.Find(CorrectReplacementText) < 0)


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