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F4SE always loading even in profiles where it is disabled.


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I'm sorry if this is covered elsewhere, but I have been searching for a few hours in vane .   I like everyone else is mesing with fallout 4 again.  I wanted to create a  profile that only used mods that don't require F4SE.  

When I create a basic profile with no mods it still directs towards the f4se_loader.exe....

I want to keep my other profiles that use it,  but the start button for each game seems to default to the same executable.   Is there  away to change this for each profile that I am missing so a prfile that does not  have f4se enable deaults instead to the f4  executable?



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What program are you launching it from?  If it's Mod Organizer, you can choose the original non-f4se launcher -- or the actual fallout4.exe itself instead -- in the big pulldown next to Run.  Or choose <Edit...> to add the .exe if it's not there already.

If it's Vortex, then I'm not sure; I've never used Vortex.

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