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Mods downloaded by Vortex not loading to plugin after enabling

Guest deleted208907332

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Guest deleted208907332

Hello, i am new to the community but old to Fallout 4. Just recently switched from playing on PS4 Pro to PC. Got tired of the 0kb error and crashes. i apologize upfront if this question is in the wrong topic place, as we all know newbies such as i am right now make mistakes, so go easy on me. 

i know recently we have updated to newest version of Fallout 4 or FA next gen as some are calling it. For the most part i am not having issue with mods since i made sure they were not depending on the F4SE or any other frame work that depends on scripting. However, i recently downloaded via VORTEX a couple of mods from Nexus that shows no dependencies by the description or in the file requirements and i am having trouble getting them to plugin. this is only a few mods this happening with.  I use VORTEX for the downloading everything looks great, i enable it but when i go to plugin screen it is not showing up. i thought maybe just a simple visual glitch or something so i open my game to verify but it is not showing in the load order in game either.  One was just a simple character preset, others just simple game tweak or collectible. I am not sure why it would not enable. all my other mods not having this issue. just wondering if this was common place sometimes because maybe the mod is too old,  the file listed on nexus maybe corrupted somehow or more importantly, i am just doing something wrong? i have done the uninstall and re-download of the mod and still get same result.

any suggestions to make sure i am doing the right thing? i have tried reaching out to the authors directly but i think due to the age of a couple mods they may not be active any more. Thanks up front for any feedback. 

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Do you have Steam installed in Program files folder? UAC will not allow programs to write to those folders at runtime. Steam should be installed to the root in order to get around this.


You could also put it on another drive but that may affect performance.

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Guest deleted208907332

yes i do have steam under program files. i try will try switching it to c:/ when i get off work to see if that helps. Thanks

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Guest deleted208907332

i figured out the real reason. sad face, unfortunately the reason some of these mods are not enabling is they require another mod that is dependent on the F4SE.  good news is most of my mods that i am currently using such as liberty reborn, we are minute men and militarized minute men seem so far running fine with no issues. 

since i moved steam to root along with re-installing fallout 4 in the root the game is running a lot smoother and with the current gpu i have i am able to play it now in a true full screen 21:9 format with upscaling by the gpu. in fact i had to turn down my fps as it was a little too high lol. 

Good news is there are still quite a few mods out there that work well with the new update to make the game enjoyably different. with the new game engine looking forward to what can be done once the F4SE is figured out and updated. 


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