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SKyrim VR console help

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Hello everyone, I am running skyrimvr on an index  head gear. I have a few questions that need answers before I can even attempt a solution, so I know what I am doing on the right document I need to alter.

What I need to do The Issue ::  I cannot read the console. its too tiny. I need to make the text or console bigger somehow for VR


1. Before I get into that,  after having several years of skyrim from LE to Ae now and VR I have played it all. I am a bit confused as to which skyrim.ini is the right one?

they all just say skyrim.ini not skyrimse.ini or skyrimvr.ini.  WHich Skyrim.ini is the right one for VR? Do I also need to do it to the skyrim.prefs document as well?

2. I may have found the most recent one I dont know if I should alter the skyrim.ini or the skyrim Prefs.ini Does it even matter?

What I need to do:

 I need to add this command to skyrim vr    iConsoleTextSize=16

I don have a Main section on the ini    I do have an Interface. Should I put the command there? 

Thank you all so much for reasing

Edited by Sallyo
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