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Plugin Auto-Shutoff? (Skyrim Issue)


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Like everybody else, I've modded Skyrim to the point of no return.

I recently revisited the game after maybe a year or so, updated it, as well as all mods.

Now for some reason, when I start up the game from skse64, Vortex just deactivates all plugins I have activated for mods.

I've tried turning them all back on, and trying different things once the game is booted. Starting up the game and just exiting out from main menu; starting a new game, either way it just shuts them all back off.

I've done all the obvious stuff; double checking everything's updated, purging & redeploying, even checking FNIS just because I ran out of ideas.


Anybody got anything?

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This is a known issue between the 1.6.1130 and 1.6.1170 versions of Skyrim SE and the then-existing version of SSE Engine Fixes:

The workaround was to modify a few things in Engine Fixes' .toml file.

However, Engine Fixes itself has since been updated to fix this, so update Engine Fixes if you're having this problem.

While you're at it, might as well check that your SKSE mods in general are up to date for your version of the game.

Edited by AaronOfMpls
rewrote after finding that Engine Fixes has been updated
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9 hours ago, YeOldeSweatband said:

Appreciate the help.

No problem! 

9 hours ago, YeOldeSweatband said:

I think the issue people must be having is that the Engine Fixes page defaults on downloading an older edition of Engine Fixes. You have to pick the right one.

Weird response from NMM.

While I always download via my web browser, from the mod's Files tab, ignoring the default Download button altogether.  And I've been using Mod Organizer in some form for a decade, and have never used NMM or Vortex.  So an issue like that wouldn't really occur to me.

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