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Best way to edit a raw height map file in Gimp or paint? Also various other questions regarding world spaces

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I vaguely recall being able to finagle a conversion a decade ago, but quick google-fu isn't particularly helpful.  I don't have photoshop, and neither GIMP nor MS Paint natively have the ability to import or export .RAW image files used in height maps.  Of course I'd also need a sense of the dimensions.  Speaking of- is there a way to set how many cells are in a worldspace, or does it just default to 64x64 or whatever?  I assume that I can use a smaller set with a height map.

Other thing that bugs me is the land/water height.  I set them above 13000 and 10000 as some guides seem to do, but this results in the loaded cell being a harsh table.  Which begs the question of if I do go smaller than the total allowable space how to handle the edges (probably just mountains I'd guess).

Finally, the GECK Version control tutorial mentioned that you shouldn't use GECK Extender with this.

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The GECK Extender doesn't work with the GECK in networked mode (well, technically it does, but you basically have to disable all of the things in the GECK extender that make it the GECK extender). And you are definitely going to want to use the GECK in networked developer mode instead of the normal mode that the GECK defaults to. Otherwise the 16 MB bug will break your mod completely at some point.

The land height needs to be above 14,000 or so (or somewhere around there), otherwise you can end up with floating trees and other weirdness when you generate LOD.

I personally have always used the heightmap editor in the GECK. I've never figured out how to edit RAW files. Be gentle in the heightmap editor. If you change the landscape too abruptly you can end up with landscape tears. The GECK will happily offer to fix these for you. It doesn't work. Once you end up with landscape tears, the only thing you can do is go back to an earlier version of your mod.

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