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Horses in Fallout


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Hey guys, I was wondering if someone could tell me, or atleast point me in the right direction, with regards to how to port horses into Fallout 3. I know that I won't be able to share it on the nexus due to copyright infringement, but maybe I, or somebody else, could create placeholders so that those individuals who own both games could port them themselves. I would think that this would be the most stable method of creating a 'vehicle' as it's all bethesda's work, and the animations, scripts, etc are (as far as I know) native to the game.


Hopefully someone out there will be able to help me out here. Thanks a lot.

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I would really like to have a horse on Fallout... I don't know why, but it would be cool


If someone could figure this out, I would deffinatly be willing to try my hand at makeing a Mutated Wasteland hourse to put on here, though I really can't promise anything, my organic modeling skills arn't the best right now,... but I would at least try

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i was playing call of juarez & started messing about with the files.


if it wasnt for me not knowing how to extract there mesh file formats & what not then there would be a wild west theam going on :D haha.


the horses would just be the icein on the cake.


im quite busy at the moment but im shure i got a bit of knowhow to help someone with this if anyone's thinking about it.

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well, I tried to make the hourse but it turned out looking... well... not very much like a hourse to say the least


I have been trying to get better at organic modeling, and am going to see if I can get a tutorial that may help me out or something....


im still new to 3D modeling, but give me some time and I will get a mutated hourse model done


then I could put raising hourses onto my Harvest Moon mod :D

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