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spid - Add one option from list?


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Let's say I have 30 of something, like books or gems or other random junk.  If I want to add a single (randomized!) book to every NPC, I could have a SPID line for each book at 1%, but that means some NPCs will roll and have many books, and it's just clunky and bad and if you have a ton of items, it falls apart fast.  Is there a way with SPID, or another way, to make the NPCs only get 1 of an item, while the item is also random?  I know there's leveled list, but I'm only finding guides to make them in the creation kit, not how to implement them.


Note:  I'm not a modder at all, so if there's tutorials to link I would appreciate it! 

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If this is a once-and-done sort of script, ie, it runs and distributes to the intended NPC pool, then perhaps a check of their inventory with a little iterated "if they got it already, don't do this" logic applied as part of the pre-distribution step (check for potential duplication),

As follows (In plain english. you'll have to code it)

  1. Get NPC inventory (store to a temporary array or hash)
  2. Iterate over inventory array or hash in an if-then loop
  3. with the action being store one to NPC
  4. and the condition being, tested array/hash item is NOT a "thing"

Just a rough sketch... I'm sure some can be condensed (like iterating directly over a call to whatever could get an array or hash of inventory, rather than using a dummy var intermediate)

ftr, I'm not a modder (presumably you mean mod author) either, which is why I didn't just provide code. I don't speaka da language... or at least too little to be offered

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